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/meta/ - meta

talk with the mods or something
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Happy 2025!

File: 1731338678972.png (251.37 KB, 731x621, laptopgiga.png)


Added a new file:deleted image




File: 1731353734749.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.37 KB, 1500x1500, angry feraljak.jpg)



these are both very WIP as you can probably tell


The site is UP! but as you can see in a very basic state. I am officially starting a banner "contest". The image/gif has to have 2nchan.org in it and be 300x100, that's basically it.
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this website is from OHIOOO 💀💀💀
kys OP


im straight jerkling my shit rn my good ser


Theres a chance that i broke file uploads


yep, i did


I fixed it

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